Get Ready For Heaven!
My friend, you will never have peace with yourself until you have peace with Almighty God. There is nothing you can do to attain that peace ( see Titus 3:5 ), but know for a fact that it has been done for you!
God existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, lovingly has seen to it to bring complete peace to us if we accept it. He did it through Jesus, the Son, the Only Way to God.
That is not my idea. That is what Jesus has said.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6
Now, please remember, Jesus said that. Either He was telling the truth, lying, or mentally off. By faith you can decide He was telling the truth!
Think about it. Surely you must realize that the world as we know it will sometime end. There has to be some type of judgement. Jesus, being 100% man and 100% God is the perfect Judge. BUT, more importantly now, He is the sacrifice for our sins ( see John 3:16 ).
We all have sinned. The salvation of Christ is offered to all. To be saved, born again, here is what you need to do . . .
ADMIT IT! . . . We are all born as sinners. We just can't help it you know! So we must admit we
are sinners needing the help of God. (Romans 3:10).
BELIEVE! . . .- that Jesus Christ took all your sin, all your penalty upon Himself. In fact,
He makes a loving trade with you. He wants to take all of your sin (and it does not
matter what you have done), and he wants to give you His victorious life!!! Jesus can
do this, being 100% God and 100% man ( 2 Corinthians 5:2 ). When we say BELIEVE, we mean not to believe with just your head - you must believe with your heart!
COMMIT! . . . your life to Him. Everything! Give to Him all your hangups, sins, problems, &
fears. Commit your future to Him. See Romans 10:9&10.
Pray this prayer now, and mean it from your heart!
Father, forgive me for being a sinner. I am truly sorry for my sins. I forsake my old life
and I accept Your new life. I ask Jesus to come into my heart & make me a whole new creation.
Thank you Jesus for coming into my heart. I love you. Amen.
If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, and have meant it, you are now a Child of God & Ready For Heaven. But, keep growing!
Here's How . . .
Worship everyday. Tell Jesus you love Him.
Read your Bible. Enjoy it!
Pray everyday, confessing any sins, asking God for help, pray for others.
Attend church everytime the doors are open and PARTICIPATE!
Be baptized in water ASAP!
Tell others about Jesus & what he did for you!
Serve the Lord in some way.
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