Why God Gave Pets

Pastor Pete's Heavenly Realms-Living Above While Living Here


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Suicide Is Not The Way

Know Of Someone Who May Be Thinking Of Suicide?

The Beautiful You!

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God Gave Pets Index

Visit The Animal Rescue Site

The background for these pet pages was pieced together from clips from
Clips were lightened.


Here's What To Do Next!

1. Worship God Every Day-
Tell God you love Him. Praise the Name of Jesus. Learn to rejoice in Jesus even when things are not going well.

2. Read The Bible Every Day-
We strongly recommend the New King James Bible

3. Pray Every Day-
Prayer is simply talking with God. Your talk with God should go both ways: not only do you talk to God, but listen to what He has to say to you. He will speak to your heart.

4. Go To A Bible Believing Church, Every Time Their Doors Are Open-
We recommend Christian groups such as Zion Fellowship which adhere to all the cardinal truths of the Word of God including God's standard on marriage. Do not just "go to church": participate!

5. Serve God In Some Way-
Find something to do for God, even if it seems "small" or humbling.

6. Tell Others About Jesus-
Talk to others. Pass out Gospel tracts.

7. Be Baptized In Water-
As soon as possible, seek to be baptized by immersion in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Water baptism will not save your soul ( accepting Christ as your Savior does that ), but if you truly love Jesus, you will obey this simple command found in the Word of God.

Tips For Walking In Christ

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But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: - Job 12:7

While Jesus was in the flesh, He used many earthly examples familiar to the people of His time to explain wonderful spiritual truths. When we are born again God speaks to us primarily through his written Word. He also speaks to our hearts according to His Word in everyday matters.

Indeed, God blesses us with pets so we may enjoy them, and that they, in turn, may enjoy us. However, it goes beyond that, in that as we take care of our pets sometimes we get a glimpse of how God takes care of us or works with us.

Full Bucket:

Just before I sat down to type this paragraph, Jon's (my son) cat, Nathaniel was sitting by an almost empty water bucket. Dealing with Nat before, I know that he wants a FULL bucket of water although this furball wouldn't drink that much in a week's time (the cat shares the water bucket with the dog). So I filled it up. May we always desire a full bucket, from the Lord.

Moving Water:

Occasionally Nat is not satisfied with just a bucket of water. He wants it to move. He used to push and bat the bucket around on the linoleum floor, splashing water, just to see the water in the bucket move. I thought I would cure that problem then by setting the bucket on a rug. Since Nat has not been declawed, he still got his moving water by pulling on the rug. May we always desire living water, full, and running over! May we move our souls to see it move!

Ring Bell - Dog Barks:

My son's other pet, Velvet, a dog, is a superb watch-dog. Ring the door bell and she will let you know she is around, and she is waiting. If a strange car drives down the drive, she will let you know! May we always be on the alert for the attacks of satan.

Collar and Leash:

I remember the first time we put a collar on Velvet and tied her to something secure. She did not like it at first. She whined and pulled a little: but it had to be done. Velvet and other dogs have very little concept as to the dangers that await loose animals. I would tell Velvet "We don't want you to get hit by a car." Sometimes we may feel that God's Word is too restrictive. But, God loves us and wants to protect us. May we always lovingly accept His yoke of guidance in our lives.

Recognizable Words:

I am convinced that our intelligence compared to God's is about the same as comparing our pet's intelligence to our intelligence. Velvet understands, to a point, the following words: snack, walk, pee pee poo poo, shake, and a few more. She probably does not understand why she can't have a snack of everything. I understand that dogs are not to have chocolate since their metabolism is not geared for it. So, if I see her begging eyes while I am enjoying chocolate, I tell her it would make her sick. I do not think she comprehends; nor do we completely understand the vastness of God and the glory of His creation. Thus, God is so vast and awesome, but our vocabulary to describe Him and the way He works is just as limited. So, also, is our understanding of Him limited. God is far greater than what we can comprehend. May we relax in God, obey what we know, and in faith accept those things that we cannot comprehend.


After spending one winter outside, we had pity on Velvet and she became a house dog. Naturally, she would like to go for a walk, and, if it were up to her, every other hour! However, I just do not have the time available to walk her as often as she desires. So, when I ask her, "Do you want to go for a WALK?", she shakes and does a glory dance! On goes the COLLAR AND THE LEASH and we go for the WALK. Well, truthfully, she pulls me!
Here we have a classical lesson of our walk in Christ. Just as we put a dog on a leash to protect them from dangers and to prevent them from causing damage, we should permit Christ to keep His yoke upon us. May we always walk in His guidance.
AND ANOTHER THOUGHT: Velvet's WALK would be more enjoyable for both of us if she would not PULL. We must avoid trying to move ahead of the Lord's direction in our own strength. Lord, help us to walk with You, with You leading us.


Another happy reaction awaits me if I say this word. We should read God's Word and enjoy His presence daily, and, in those spare moments, seek a snack from Him! May we always hunger after the Lord.

Four Legged Bug Killer:

We go back to Nat for this one. Whether the invader flies or crawls, if Nat sees them, Nat tries to get them. In the Song of Solomon we read "Take (catch) us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes." Often we may be on guard for the "big" sins, but many times small acts of displeasing God enter our lives. We had better get rid of those too, otherwise, if we permit them them to stay, they will grow into big things. May we always be vigilant in protecting our close walk with God.

Aquarium World

There is something usually peaceful about an aquarium. We can observe fish and other aquatic creatures moving at a slow to moderate speed. Barring any disturbance, it remains that way. We should learn to enjoy the peace of God. However, unlike an aquarium, we can learn to have the peace of God in even the most trying times. Lord, help us relax in You.

How Tweet It Is!

Sometimes, when we have a bird as a pet, a bird will just not be quiet. It may be natural for some healthy birds to chirp away most of the day. We can liken this to praising God. He deserves our praise all the time. May we always praise God.

The list can go on! I just had to think about the hamster that may store food in his mouth. What an example that we should receive all that God wants to give us from His Word!

We can learn many good things from our pets about our relationship to God. However, we can see some bad things too! Velvet covets Nat's food. Nat at times will use his claws in a destructive way. Of course, we are not to emulate THESE ways of sin.

If you have pets, indeed enjoy their presence, but be listening to the voice of God as to what you can learn from them!

Can you pray for your pet? Indeed you can! However, make sure you back up your prayer with proper care for your critter. From pets and all of His creation we see that God loves us. We also see that our comprehension of Him is limited. Above all, God desires us to completely trust Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus, totally God and totally man, explains (John 1:18) all that we need know about God. He is also the way, the only way, to heaven (John 14:6, and Acts 4:12). Let Christ come into your heart, your life today. Let Him rule your steps in love and true holiness. Pray this prayer and mean it from your heart:
Father, forgive me for being a sinner. I ask you to cleanse me and I ask Christ to come in to live within me. Father, I love You. Help me to always live for you, in Jesus' Name I pray, amen.

If you have prayed this prayer and meant it, please see the navigation bar to the left for steps to grow in Christ.

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